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Shostakovich waltz 2

What movie is the second waltz in?

Other works include three operas, several song cycles, ballets, and a substantial quantity of film music; especially well known “The Second Waltz” as movie soundtrack for The First Echelon (1955–1956) film.

When was Dmitri Shostakovich Waltz No 2?

The Suite for Jazz Orchestra No. 2 (Russian: Сюита для джазового оркестра №2) is a suite by Dmitri Shostakovich. It was written in 1938 for the newly founded State Jazz Orchestra of Victor Knushevitsky, and was premiered on 28 November 1938 in Moscow (Moscow Radio) by the State Jazz Orchestra.

Who created Waltz No 2?

Dmitri Shostakovich Dmitri Shostakovich 'Waltz No. 2': What a Suite Dance!

What movie is Jazz Suite No 2 in?

Eyes Wide Shut 2. Used in the film Eyes Wide Shut, Shostakovich's Jazz Suite provides a soundtrack to the sexually charged adventures of Dr. Bill Harford, played by Tom Cruise, and his wife, Nicole Kidman.

Why is it called the second waltz?

Its popular name is coming from “Suite for Variety Orchestra” (also named Suite for Variety Stage Orchestra); a suite in eight movements, written after 1956 by the Russian composer. The “waltz” is the seventh movement of the suite, and it is the “second” waltz in the work, hence the name “The second waltz”.

Was Shostakovich married?

Irina Antonovna Shostakovichm. 1962–1975 Margarita Kainovam. 1956–1959Nina Vassilyevna Varzarm. 1932–1954 Dmitri Shostakovich/Spouse

What genre is Waltz No 2?

Originally scored for symphony orchestra, Shostakovich's "Jazz Suite No. 2" is notable for the addition of saxophones, accordion and guitar. The appealing second waltz is in a light classical style and is wonderfully adapted for young concert bands in this arrangement.


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